Comparing variables, functions and class in Rust and JavaScript

Before starting topic

I have just started to learn Rust and I hit the wall many times. Actually this blog is witten as a memo for me to remember and keep track of waht I learned so far.

First edition of this blog is might be lack of information for you. But I will append what I understand enough about Rust.


Targets of this article

  • People who
    • are also confused to Rust like me.
    • don't know Rust and have interest in that.
    • know syntax of JavaScript but don't know that of Rust.

My experiences of Rust so far.

Recently I got a oppotunity to learn new programming language that I never use. I spent about 30 minutes to decide one language from Go, Clojure, and Rust. The reason why I chose Rust was Just feeling.

After deciding Rust, I began to read documentation of Rust and search good example code/projects. I had only one week create a project with Rust and also shold make presentation with lecture. So I decided to create a API server for Todo application. I am now on project and using below tools.

  • Rocket : Web framework for Rust.
  • Diesel : ORM for Rust.
  • serde : Serialization framework for Rust. Mainly using this for Handling JSON.

This blog is not for explaining how to create Todo application with Rust. From next section, I will write down Rust and JavaScript syntax as a comparison.



When we create variable in Rust, let keyword is used. JavaScript also has same keyword let. But this let keyword has different behavior. In JavaScript, let keyword allow developer to overwrite the variable. But in Rust, That is not allowed except for using mut keyword before variable name.


// JavaScript

let name = 'Alice'; // (Mutable)
name = 'Bob'; // OK
// Rust

let name = "Alice"; // (Immutable)
// name = "Bob" // Error

let mut name_2 = "Ace"; // (Mutable)
name_2 = "Brian"; // OK

If you are familiar with JavaScript, You might know const keyword . let in Rust without mut keyword is similar to const of JavaScript.


In Rust, fn is a keyword when creating a function instead of function. Rust is a typed language so that you can put return type after -> keyword. JavaScript does not have this feature.

Using this functionality, Rust reduce potential bugs like other typed languages because compiler tells us invalid error if you return something value that is different from a type you set as a return type.


// JavaScript

function return_one() {
  return 1;
// Rust

// i32 is a data type that describe integer of 32bit.
// Value without semicolon on last line means return value.
// If you put semicolon like next example, compile error happens.
fn return_one() -> i32 {

fn return_one() -> i32 {

// () after `->` describe void.(return nothing.)
// So compile error happens in this code because types are does not match. (void and integer are different.)
fn return_one() -> () {

struct, impl (== class of JavaScript)

You can write object in Rust with struct keyword and also you can add method to the struct value using impl keyword. But methods has &self as first argument like Perl. If you are not familiar with this kind of rule, Maybe it is hard to imagine. Let's see the code how that code looks likes.

// JavaScript

class Person {
  constructor(name) { = name;

  greet() {
    console.log(`My name is ${}`);

const person = new Person('Bob');
// Rust

struct Person {
  name: String

impl Person {
    pub fn new(name: String) -> Person {
      Person {name: name}
    pub fn greet(&self) -> () {
      println!("My name is {}", &;

let person = Person::new("Bob".to_string());

In this rust code, There are few keywords Derive and "&" that I have not explained. If you are familiar with C language, this & describe reference same as pointer.

But this blog is just for kind of my memo. So I don't explain those for now. If you want to know more about Derive and "&" below links might help you.

Pros and cons


  • Blazingly fast(Rust page said that.)


  • High learning curve because of strict syntax.


  • Rust is a typed language.
  • Rust has many tricky way and magic words for me.
  • I try to update this blog appending what I understand enough about Rust.
